L’avvento della pandemia legata al Covid-19, mette quotidianamente a dura prova l’attività delle imprese, che nell’ultimo decennio hanno dovuto affrontare una crisi lunga e profonda come non si era mai visto dal dopoguerra ad oggi.
Anche il mercato delle coperture vive da molti anni un’elevata competizione tra le imprese, che prosegue anche oggi, anche grazie alle maggiori occasioni legate ai vari bonus introdotti dal Governo.
Per poter cogliere le opportunità di questi cambiamenti, è fondamentale che le imprese diventino visibili sul mercato, per poter dimostrare - in ogni realizzazione - il proprio valore e la straordinaria professionalità, acquisita con anni di esperienza.
Proprio per rispondere a questa necessità è nato nel settore delle coperture BMI RoofPro, il programma dedicato alle imprese e applicatori che vogliono distinguersi dagli altri e che fanno di serietà e professionalità il loro marchio di fabbrica.
intervenendo tempestivamente con sopralluoghi professionali
con la redazione di preventivi di spesa oggettivi e affidabili, che non comportino spiacevoli sorprese in corso d’opere
con l’ausilio di un Fascicolo tecnico puntuale, esauriente e redatto nel rispetto della complessa normativa vigente, a supporto di ogni scelta effettuata
con interventi condotti secondo la regola dell’arte, senza dover ricorrere ad improvvisazioni e con la certezza del miglior risultato
con lo stabilirsi di rapporti di fiducia che possono creare una fidelizzazione duratura nel tempo.
Título | Tamaño | Acciones | |
02 PRO 320 CAM System Card | 1.25 MB | ||
02 PRO 485 Titan System Card | 1.25 MB | ||
03 WOOL CAM System Card | 1.25 MB |
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Conceived to recall the sociable atmosphere of an ancient square in an Italian country, the Vodafone headquarters in Milan is centered on an elevated open space, enclosed between the internal facades of the buildings, where the aggregative life of about 3,000 employees takes place.
The client's goal was to create a healthy, comfortable and technologically advanced work environment, in full respect of the surrounding environment.
Garanzia commerciale per tegole minerali Coppo del Borgo
Amplia gama de productos de aislamiento, impermeabilización, fijación, ventilación, iluminación y seguridad de tu tejado. Los componentes son imprescindibles para garantizar un tejado de altas prestaciones.
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Lo sentimos, no se encuentra el instalador
Where to find new ideas, ideas and solutions? Each new work is unique, but when embarking on a new project it can be useful to find ideas from concrete situations. BMI Italia is happy to share with you: information on the projects we have completed details on the innovative solutions with which we have supported our partners the technical aspects of the situations that have given us the opportunity to express the value of a state of the art roof the images of our most beautiful creations
La principale finalità dei CAM è la prevenzione e la riduzione degli impatti ambientali in tutte le fasi dell’appalto pubblico: dalla gara, alla progettazione, all’esecuzione dei lavori. L’attenzione viene rivolta principalmente ad alcuni aspetti, quali:
la conservazione degli habitat nel luogo di intervento
l’incremento dell’ efficienza energetica per la riduzione dei consumi
il contenimento delle emissioni di sostanze pericolose in ambienti interni e il miglioramento del comfort indoor
l’illuminazione naturale l’utilizzo di
materiali locali ed eco-compatibili
specifiche per la scelta di impianti di riscaldamento ed idrico-sanitario
Relativamente ai CAM per i componenti edilizi, vengono definiti criteri comuni e criteri specifici per ognuno di essi, allo scopo di indirizzare le scelte verso elementi rispondenti ai principi dell’economia circolare, ovvero che si richiamino all'intero ciclo di vita dei singoli prodotti e del progetto nel suo complesso.
A livello di criteri comuni a tutti i componenti edilizi, si dovrà verificare:
la disassemblabilità a fine esercizio
il contenuto di materiale recuperato (da non considerarsi scarto ma portato ad un nuovo ruolo utile, e quindi riutilizzato tal quale o in seguito a trattamenti ) o riciclato (materiale di rifiuto, trattato al fine di ottenere nuovi prodotti, sostanze o materiali da usare per nuovi fini o per gli stessi per cui era stato concepito) sul totale dei materiali utilizzati e dei sottoprodotti (materiali non considerati rifiuti ma oggetti ulteriormente utilizzabili)
la presenza di sostanze pericolose
Vi sono, inoltre, dei criteri specifici, a seconda dei prodotti, tesi a:
la riduzione di impiego delle risorse non rinnovabili
la riduzione di produzione di rifiuti e lo smaltimento in discarica, con particolare riguardo ai rifiuti da demolizione e costruzione (con l'obiettivo di recuperare e riciclare entro il 2020 almeno il 70% dei rifiuti non pericolosi da costruzione e demolizione).
Il progetto deve pertanto prevedere l'uso di materiali che verifichino determinate prescrizioni ambientali con particolare attenzione al contenuto di riciclato.
Questi concetti, attraverso il Decreto Rilancio, sono stati estesi all’ambito privato, al momento limitatamente ai materiali isolanti.
Static consolidations
The pre-existing spine walls had been drilled to make room for channels and shafts; this had compromised the static nature and the ridge, which rested on them, was highly unstable.
Complete renovation of the structure
Main and secondary beams, planking and battens are sized and made from scratch, naturally in wood, given the context.
Realization of the statigraphic "package"
As required by recent legislation it is necessary to prepare the stratigraphy of the roof. Furthermore, fall arrest devices have been inserted, again according to the law.
Roof covering
The first proposal put forward by the owners concerns a metallic solution.
The role of the designer was fundamental in convincing the owners to adopt a solution that would suit both the type of building and the urban context.
When the work seemed completed, a new problem emerged: 48 flues that flowed directly onto the wooden structure and the wood fiber insulation; there were so many fireplace heads and each head heated a room.
What solution to adopt?
The insertion of steel flues immediately proves to be excessively onerous, given the length of the same with respect to the various floors. But for inhabitants (and administrator) it becomes a priority to make sure that no one, neither today nor tomorrow (when you will no longer have memory of this configuration), notices the presence of the old chimney seats, opens them and decides to light a romantic small fire in winter, endangering the life of all the inhabitants of the building and the safety of the building.
This is how the Works Manager, in agreement with the Property, decides to intervene through the modification of the Condominium Regulations, which will prohibit the use of the remaining shafts except against the presentation of accurate projects and checks, keeping them unaltered as easement for use. .
The works begin and end in 2018:
a new structure in laminated wood
roof equipped with an adequate ventilation chamber (which the Administration requires equal to 7 cm)
insulating layer in wood fiber, high-performance membranes and brick tiles, as best suited to the building (although not bound) and to the urban environment
For this reason, the Works Management, on the advice of the owners, chooses the Coppo Domus: a curved brick tile, with a traditional aesthetic but with a profile able to overcome the objective difficulties presented by the traditional tile.
This type of tile, in fact, anchors to the battens and fits laterally, making it stable and impermeable to atmospheric agents.
Knowing how much the roof affects the good functioning of the building as a whole, the Client did not think about the "roof" of his house, but about an interconnected and "multifunctional" system, thus confirming what we have been writing for some time: today we can no longer speak simply of "roof" but of "cover".
First of all, the choice of the covering: a flat, cement-based tile with a non-dark color was desired, to avoid problems of summer overheating and excessive stress caused by irradiation.
Furthermore, a ventilated solution was desired, where the air, properly conducted under the mantle, collaborates in the proper functioning of the roof: in the management of condensation, in the management of the excess heat possibly accumulated under the tile in the summer period, in the drying of small infiltrations that could occur in case of particularly heavy rains.
Tegal Innotech Protector Reflex was the right answer to these needs:
a design tile
characterized by a geometry and essential lines
able to reflect part of the incident solar radiation thus reducing the heat input to the underlying layers and limiting the risk of the so-called "heat island effect".
The color and the particular surface of the tile, in fact, help to contain the rise in temperature, acting favorably at the local microclimatic level.
The insertion of a special membrane under the mantle also amplifies the effect of this passive system: the "cool roof".
For those who are sensitive to climatic aspects, the choice of Tegal Protector Reflex Grigio Perla allows you to rely on a “passive system” (the so-called “cool roof”).
The composition of these tiles contains special pigments capable of reflecting a significant amount of solar radiation in the atmosphere, reducing the effects of summer microclimatic overheating, an increasingly widespread and significant problem in our urban environments.
Furthermore, the coupling of this tile with a heat reflective membrane will further improve this particular performance.
La elección de una solución impermeabilizante NOx-Activ® para la cubierta plana del edificio proporcionó una protección ideal contra la intemperie, pero también creó un efecto descontaminante permanente gracias a sus particulares propiedades autolimpiantes y descontaminantes:
BMI ha desarrollado una tecnología innovadora basada en el dióxido de titanio (TiO2), elemento fotocatalizador, para la producción de un granulado especial, NOXITE®, para proteger las membranas impermeabilizantes bituminosas.
La acción descontaminante de NOXITE® es permanente y aprovecha la energía solar, transmitida por radiación (rayos UV), activando la descomposición de los contaminantes presentes en el aire NOx (óxidos de nitrógeno) en nitratos, que luego se eliminan mediante el lavado con agua de lluvia.
El sitio de Vodafone Village obtuvo la certificación LEED (Liderazgo en Energía y Diseño Ambiental) a finales de 2012 y se ha convertido en el edificio certificado LEED más grande de Italia. Este reconocimiento atestigua los efectos ambientales positivos de la remodelación del área, el alto nivel de eficiencia energética, pero también la consideración real que se ha dado a la comodidad y el bienestar de todos los empleados.
Uno de los objetivos de BMI Expert es colaborar a introducir nuevas soluciones, cada vez más eficientes y sostenibles, y esto aplica también a la rehabilitación de las cubiertas y tejados.
Efectivamente, en el momento actual la rehabilitación de edificios se está posicionando como la gran prioridad en la construcción, por un doble motivo.
Por un lado, es la gran oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios en cuando al confort y prestaciones de sus viviendas. Más aún en un momento en que los hábitos profesionales y personales están cambiando, y surgen nuevas necesidades a las que los edificios deben responder.
Pero además, tenemos la obligación de que el conjunto de nuestras ciudades sea más eficiente y sostenible, respondiendo al mayor reto de nuestro tiempo.
Por eso el equipo de BMI Expert está especialmente comprometido con los proyectos de rehabilitación de cubiertas.
Estamos aquí para lo que necesites:
Teléfono: 925 53 07 08
We see it every day, whatever the area in which we operate: training and specific information are essential elements for working with awareness and seriousness.
Referring to construction, a sector in which we have been operating for some time, if we design an artifact or we have to build it or if we have to propose and sell the most correct material to make it concrete, we must know it.
And in the multitude of products that the market offers it is not enough to refer to the descriptions offered by the Internet, valid but incomplete and partial help.
The company, which has been covering our homes for more than fifty years, has understood over time that important cultural changes were taking place: the roof was no longer just the "hat" of our building but had to contribute to meeting more needs. important and complex. It also had to contribute to responding to the energy, energy saving and environmental sustainability issues that are a priority and contingent today.
We could no longer deal "only" with tiles, but we also had to open up to what in the current jargon are called "components": special pieces, waterproofing sheets, products for insulation, products for flat and green roofs, elements that guarantee safety on the roof ...
And to do this it has gathered all the skills that have gravitated around decades of field work and the experience accumulated to create a school on roofs, which has been active for some years now.
A school that carries out training on different topics, with more or less consistent insights and sector, oriented to various categories of users:
the designers: architects, engineers, surveyors and building experts
businesses, artisans and carpenters
retailers, counter dealers and warehouse managers: those who offer building materials
technical institutes, whose training we will write in another post.
Specific seminars are aimed at all these categories, according to a calendar that can be consulted on our website.
In Academy we talk about:
pitched roofs in their entirety, compared to what is defined as the interacting ventilated stratigraphy
flat and green roofs
specific problems such as air tightness, vapor tightness and critical issues on the roof
aspects related to the execution of the roof: executive project and construction management
safety at height
relational aspects, meeting the problems related to the suggestion of materials.
On all these occasions we combine the theoretical / training part with a laboratory activity: because it is not only important to understand the aspects, but to really see their application solution.
Project sales are responsible for roofs and membrane contractors, as well as sales of tarpaulins and scaffolding. If you are a professional player operating in these segments and want to get in touch with our sales staff, you are most welcome to contact us.
Here you will find contact information for our project sales staff...
A roof is much more than a collection of materials. It is a statement about the values, lives and tastes of all those that live below it. BMI works intimately with homeowners, exploring your requirements and helping you find the best solutions. From premium clay and concrete shingles, which effortlessly recreate the look of a period roof, to cutting edge solar PV technologies, which generate clean electricity and reduces bills, we create beautiful roofs that can add value, security and comfort to your home.
Your home is one of the biggest and most important investments you will ever make. You have a right to know that its roof will properly protect all that sleep beneath it. We offer a beginning-to-end technical service, providing expert support throughout your design and build to ensure a problem-free installation.
Each solution is also backed with comprehensive guarantees, giving you complete confidence that your roof will last a lifetime.