Sullivan Court

A full refurbishment calls for a complete waterproofing solution.
Liquid Roofing
Sullivan Court Image

Situated in Fulham, Southwest London, the Sulivan Court housing estate was a unique project. With over 4000 square metres worth of communal walkways, balconies, and terraces that were leaking in certain places and in need of repair, this was a large scale project with quick turnarounds needed. That’s why roofing contractor Russell Trew partnered with BMI Icopal to provide a complete liquid waterproofing solution that could meet these challenges.

Location: Fulham

Client: Sulivan court

Contractors: Russell Trew

System: Sealoflex Endura

The Challenge

The Challenge

Sulivan Court is made up of 13, five storey high flats and therefore size alone would be a challenge. But, tasked with not only resealing communal areas but tenant’s own balconies and terraces too, Russell Trew needed to balance logistics with a need for a quick turnaround. 

As a housing estate, the building was in use throughout the project, so part of the challenge was minimising the disruption to tenants while ensuring a high-quality finish that was made to last.  

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The Solution

The Solution

To ensure they could provide a quick turnaround, with a high quality and durable finish Russell Trew selected BMI Icopal’s Sealoflex Endura cold applied liquid waterproofing solution. 

For each individual section in need of refurbishing, the area needed to be cleaned down and then resealed and reopened by the end of the day  as to minimally disturb the tenants that were living in the building. 

Sealoflex Endura, a cold applied liquid waterproofing solution, was the ideal solution for this project. Using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) technology, it has been designed to offer fast application and curing times, while also providing proven waterproofing reliability and a superior membrane durability, all of which are key for projects like balconies and walkways.

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The Impact

The Impact

Between tight spaces and timeframes, this project was anything but straightforward. As the installation was made up of many small sections, there needed to be a plan as to how many materials would be required for each week of refurbishment, so that delivery orders could be fulfilled as required.

Not only did the team involved need to plan deliveries well, but they also needed to work around the tenants of the buildings. Russell Trew, in collaboration with Axis Europe, were in regular contact with the tenants of each building to ensure they knew when the work was taking place and what they needed to do before the work could take place. 

The work done on the communal walkways, balconies, and terraces not only solved the issue of leaks, it has also provided a much safer and aesthetically pleasing surface for the tenants, giving them a building they can be proud to call their home.

Jim Bennett, Operations Manager at Russell Trew Limited, said “Having worked with BMI Icopal on several previous projects, the service provided on the Sulivan Estate has been second to none, the supply and delivery of materials has been facilitated perfectly, and the attendance form Icopal on site regarding site inspections and technical information requested has been very forthcoming.”

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In Focus: Sealoflex

In Focus: Sealoflex

Sealoflex is a comprehensive range of liquid applied waterproofing systems delivering complete flexibility, complete coverage, and complete peace of mind – meeting every demand while minimising downtime and disruption to your project and the flow of life around it.

In Focus: Sealoflex Image